Sept. 2, 1945 


My Darling Wife: 

Well, I guess this is the payoff honey, as we are now in Japan. I am well and happy, that is except for being away from you. But I know now, that every day brings us that much closer together, so I can put up with twice the amount, with that in mind. 


It's been some time since I've written you, but I guess by this letter, you can easily see why. 


I guess the Navy intends either coming out with a new point system or giving us credit for time overseas and operations. We all were given papers a couple days ago, with how much overseas duty we were credited with and how many operations we had been in, and also the number of points we all had up to the fifteenth of August. 


I've got thirty eight and a half points. I wouldn't sign my paper as they didn't give me credit for Attu. so yesterday, I was called to the office and they decided to credit me with it. In case they do come out with another system. I'm credited with thirty two months overseas duty, and three operations. 


Well, my darling, I'd best close and drop my folks a line or two. I love you more now than ever before. 


Your husband, 


Merle A. Waugaman CM 2/c U.S.N.R.