
Thanks for putting the material collected by Paul E. Peterson on the internet.

Paul must have gotten his live together after his screw-up Navy life.

I enjoyed the poems/stories of Joe Morin.

There was a comment in the material about a cook named Tracey.  I remember him well.  Hew as a Petty Officer 2/c cook.  He had a 4" scar on the left side of his face.  He was also known as "Cookie."

As an electrician, I got called up to the galley to get the exhaust fans going. (we were out to sea)

The galley was full of smoke.  Trace had about an acre of pork chops frying.  I soon got the fans going.  When the smoke cleared out and Cookie asked me if I would like a pork-chop.  

I will never forget that pork chop. (about 1500 in the afternoon)
