Many people helped to do the hard work of Construction, Electric, Painting, and Chipping Paint. 

They traveled long distances and some camped for 1 to 2 weeks,  working 6 to 8 hrs. a day. 

Many have come back year after year for over 10 years.


Some (but definitely not all) of the dedicated volunteers who helped with the restoration and preservation are:

Paul & Flo Mckee, Joe Av veduti, Murray & Agnes Aldrich, Ted & Evelyn Hoch, Steve & Elaine Bull, John Menges, Art Gardner, Charles Corris, Jimmy Grinnell, Francis Murdock, William Dash, Harold Willson, Dick & Fran Heifferon, Chris & Trudy Fedden, Bill & Ruth Guyette, Richard Meyers, Bill Landgraf, Richard Baker, Art Ticconi, Paul Sadowski, James Orouike, Bob Houston, Donald Cicconi, Win Abplanalp, Paul Neu, Bill Grower, Dick Mullaney, Tom Marsella, Bill Warne, Lee Stewart, Pat Eldred, Nancy & Don Fetterhoff, Bill Andre, Anna Christinsen, Luke Palmer, Don MacDonald


Since you asked, the following is a list of some other workers who would travel 1hr. or farther to help renovate the old brig.

Some would stay in hotels or camp for a few days.

Tony Pomicter, Lewis & Connie Kime, Don Powers, Fran Kittner, Harold & Phyllis Hebding, Grinnell Family, Charles Corris, Arline Grower, Ted & Norma Cornish, Sara Xifo, Bill Schultz, Ed Johnson, Jim O'Peken, Leo Davis, Don Iocco, Pete Samborski, David & Elsie Bliss, Louis Preston, Lou Laudr, Ken & Rhoda Givens, Charles Trendall, John McFeeters, Bill Novak, Dell Martin, Bob Sullivan, Jack Benz, Bud & Malinda Becklry, Rolf Swanson, Robert Swanson, Robbert Robbins, Henry Klein, Robert Scott, Gerald Mawn, Seeley Drew, George Presti, Bob Schnibbe, Thomas Bynes, Robert Seaman, Art Street, Grant & Ginger Covill, Phyllis & Everett Stone.

Paul & Flo